A Study on the Situational Influence in the Horse-Racing Track of the Kyung-Song before and After the Independence from the Japan Occupation 광복 전후 경성 경마장의 상황(狀況)에 관한 연구
임석원SukWonYim , 김대한DaeHanKim
53(1) 1-9, 2014
A Study on the Situational Influence in the Horse-Racing Track of the Kyung-Song before and After the Independence from the Japan Occupation 광복 전후 경성 경마장의 상황(狀況)에 관한 연구
임석원SukWonYim , 김대한DaeHanKim
Before and after the liberation of this study was to understand the situation of Korea to racetrack, the racetrack was built inthe center of capital studies came to the conclusion that some of the following. First of all, the first race of the 1909 racing Training was prescribed. Second, to facilitate access to the hard Racecourse Express train station knew that. Third, immediately after the liberation of that name in Seoul Racecourse blitz knew that renamed. Fourth, beyond regular military capital of South Korea throughout the war destroyed the old racetrack, Ttukseom new place you can see that the move was promoted.
Key Words
kyung-song racetrack, Kun-san`s racetrack, Korea`s horse-racing and sports environment
A Study on Volunteers` Participative Motivation and Satisfaction in 2013 World Rowing Championships, Chungju, Korea 2013 충주세계조정선수권대회 자원봉사자의 참여 동기와 만족도에 관한 연구
서희진HeeJinSeo , 김민MinKim
53(1) 11-23, 2014
A Study on Volunteers` Participative Motivation and Satisfaction in 2013 World Rowing Championships, Chungju, Korea 2013 충주세계조정선수권대회 자원봉사자의 참여 동기와 만족도에 관한 연구
서희진HeeJinSeo , 김민MinKim
This study investigated the volunteers` participative motivation and satisfaction in 2013 World Rowing Championships, Chungju, Korea. The 388 volunteers who participated in the championships by judgement sampling method and for 9 person in-depth interview was performed to collect data. Farrell, Johnston, & Twynam(1998)`s SEVMS scale was used for the study. Qualitative research has used to draw below conclusion through analyzing various areas. The results are as follows. Firstly, the priority of motivation would be gaining experience, interaction, and contribution to society. And the priority of satisfaction would be gaining organization of the event and information related to the event; Secondly, depending on the characteristics of the individuals, the results of analyzing the participative motivation and the variance in the degree of satisfaction, motives to participate regarding the work would be contribution to society, contributing talents; motives to participate regarding residential area, prior experience is interaction, contributing talents had shown significant differences. By analyzing the differences of satisfaction from the experience depending on the individual characteristics had shown that gender had significant effects on the general volunteering experience, providing information for volunteering work, prior instruction, information about the event, the organization; work had effects on general volunteering experience, and interaction with other volunteers; residential area had shown to have effects on general volunteering experience and communication with other volunteers.
Key Words
World rowing championships, Chungju, volunteer, participative motivation, satisfaction
Analysis of the Differences in Personalities of Adolescent Participating in School Sports Clubs 학교스포츠클럽 참여 청소년의 스포츠 인성 차이분석
차은주EunJooCha , 김영재YoungJaeKim
53(1) 25-34, 2014
Analysis of the Differences in Personalities of Adolescent Participating in School Sports Clubs 학교스포츠클럽 참여 청소년의 스포츠 인성 차이분석
차은주EunJooCha , 김영재YoungJaeKim
The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences in personalities of adolescent who participate in school sports clubs depending on their classes and gender. For achieving this purpose, a survey was conducted with 1,458 middle and high school students(688 males students, 770 female students/974 middle school students, 485 high school students) with experiences in joining in school sports clubs all over the country(Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Gangwon, Jeolla, Gyeongsang and Choongcheong), from February to April 2013. Then, using collected data, frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA analysis were performed to see the differences in personalities, according to the types of participation in school sports clubs. As a result, female students had a higher community spirit, but male students showed more confidence and positive attitudes, in relation to the differences of personalities depending on gender. Overall, high school students had more mature personalities than middle school students. According to class and gender, also, personality had an interaction effect on a community spirit. In connection to characteristics of participation in school sports clubs, the level of personality improved, as students participated in them more frequently, aggressively and longer.
Key Words
school sports club, adolescent, personality, sports, personality evaluation questionnaire
The Relation among Physical Education College Students` Democratic Civic Consciousness, Communication Type and Interpersonal Relationship Orientation 체육대학 학생의 민주시민의식과 의사소통유형 및 대인관계지향성의 관계분석
홍준우JunWooHong , 한광령KwangLeoungHan , 김기섭KiSubKim
53(1) 35-51, 2014
The Relation among Physical Education College Students` Democratic Civic Consciousness, Communication Type and Interpersonal Relationship Orientation 체육대학 학생의 민주시민의식과 의사소통유형 및 대인관계지향성의 관계분석
홍준우JunWooHong , 한광령KwangLeoungHan , 김기섭KiSubKim
This study aims to provide preliminary data for physical education college students` developmental school life and positive social behavior by investigating and revealing the relation among democratic civic consciousness, communication type and interpersonal relationship orientation.
For the foregoing, this study conducted a survey targeting 400 physical education college students attending K university and used the results for this study after analyzing 347 sheets. analyzed using SPSS Version 18.0 for reliability analysis.
The results are as follows. First, in the influence on their communication type according to democratic civic consciousness, it turned out to have a meaningful influence on horizontal communication, unofficial communication, downward communication and upward communication.
Second, as to the effect on interpersonal relationship orientation according to democratic civic consciousness, this study revealed that it exercises a partial influence on rebellious, mistrusting, dominative & prominent, sociable amicable, sympathetic receptive and independent sense of responsibility.
Third, as for the influence on interpersonal relationship orientation depending on communication type, this study found out that it exercises a significant influence on rebellious mistrusting, dominative & prominent, sociable amicable, competitive & aggressive, sympathetic receptive, conspicuous & self-indulgent and independent sense of responsibility.
Key Words
Democratic Civic Consciousness, Communication Type and Interpersonal Relationship Orientation
Development of the Social Representation of Obesity Scale 청소년이 인식하는 비만의 사회적 표상 척도 개발
이창섭ChangSeopLee , 남상우SangWooSang
53(1) 53-64, 2014
Development of the Social Representation of Obesity Scale 청소년이 인식하는 비만의 사회적 표상 척도 개발
이창섭ChangSeopLee , 남상우SangWooSang
This study tried to theorize how adolescents in Korea form social representation of obesity by developing a scale with which we are able to describe, analyze, and suggest obesity-related phenomena. For this purpose, we adopted a series of systematic procedure to develop a scale, distributing questionnaires to 454 high school students in Daejeon city. With the survey data, we performed a scale development procedure by adopting an exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis in SPSS windows 17.0 and Amos 17.0. As a result, we drew 6 dominant categories, albeit they in part were overlapped with previous result (Nam, 2010), which they revealed the broad image of obesity. They were named as 1)unreliability; 2)avoidance; 3)individual responsibility; 4)risk; 5)social responsibility; and 6)irresponsible/unrestricted diet. Showing the clarity of the concepts themselves, these results also have had statistical suitability to understand how representational factors of obesity have been related in a reliable way. This study has its further potentials and contributions to 1)explicate how the concept ‘obesity’ could be interpreted and expressed by the publics; and 2)analyze how this conception of obesity will be correlated and have causal relationship with physical activities in school settings and family.
Key Words
social representation, obesity, scale, physical activity
A Study on the Development of International Exchange Programs for Sports for All 생활체육 국제교류 사업 발전 방안 연구
한혜원HaeWonHan , 최경근KyongKeonChoi
53(1) 65-76, 2014
A Study on the Development of International Exchange Programs for Sports for All 생활체육 국제교류 사업 발전 방안 연구
한혜원HaeWonHan , 최경근KyongKeonChoi
The purpose of this study was to review the current status and birth of international exchange programs for sports for all based upon the sports policy and movement of the United states, Germany, Japan, and China in order to find out the strategy of international exchange programs for Sports for all. For those purposes, the research methods were consisted of participants` satisfactions survey and written interviews in order to analyze the performance evaluation and problems for future-oriented programs regarding the international sports projects. The suggestions obtained through this study were derived in oder to develop the international sports exchange projects as follows. First, the enhancement of validity. Second, the diversity of international projects. Third, the propulsion of evaluation and monitoring systems. Fourth, the maximization of publicity campaign. Fifth, the establishment of international department.
Key Words
Sports for all, International exchange program, Administration. Sports diplomacy
The Subjected Effects of Body Consciousness and Passion for Sports on Alienation in Physical Education 청소년의 대상화된 신체의식과 운동열정이 체육수업소외에 미치는 영향
황성하SungHaHwang , 이창섭ChangSeopLee
53(1) 77-92, 2014
The Subjected Effects of Body Consciousness and Passion for Sports on Alienation in Physical Education 청소년의 대상화된 신체의식과 운동열정이 체육수업소외에 미치는 영향
황성하SungHaHwang , 이창섭ChangSeopLee
The purpose of this research is to analyze the subjected effects of body consciousness and passion for sports on alienation in physical education (PE). To this end 437 high school and middle school students were surveyed. The data was analyzed, leading to the following results. First, in terms of gender, with the exception of alienation in peer relationships, in all variables female students scored higher than males. In addition for different levels of schools in all variables of passion for passion for sports high school students tended to score higher than middle school students. Of alienation in PE classes, middle school students scored higher than high school students in alienation on PE facilities, by PE instructors, and PE uniforms. Third, subjected body consciousness had an effect on alienation in PE classes. In particular, self-monitoring of the body had a meaningful effect on alienation in PE uniforms and PE facilities out of alienation in PE classes. Embarrassment of one`s body has a meaningful impact on alienation from peers, athletic aptitude, and PE instructors amongst alienation from PE classes. Fourth, passion for sports had an effect on alienation in PE classes. In particular, passion for harmony had an adverse effect on all factors of alienation in PE classes, and compulsion had adverse effects on alienation from PE facilities, athletic capabilities, and PE uniforms out of alienation in PE classes.
Key Words
body consciousness, passion for sports, alienation in physical education
Disciplinary Power of Pro-Baseball Bean Ball and Bench-Clearing 프로야구 빈볼 시비와 벤치클리어링의 규율권력
권헌수HeonSuGwon , 이종영JongYoungLee
53(1) 93-103, 2014
Disciplinary Power of Pro-Baseball Bean Ball and Bench-Clearing 프로야구 빈볼 시비와 벤치클리어링의 규율권력
권헌수HeonSuGwon , 이종영JongYoungLee
The purpose of this research is to examine in depth the bean ball arguments and bench-clearing occurred by violating unwritten rules or to boost team morale through Michel Foucault`s disciplinary power during pro-baseball games. To do this, three professional baseball teams were selected and a total of six persons composed of two persons in each team were chosen as research subjects. Data were collected through nonparticipant observation and in-depth interviews, and the collected data were analyzed through qualitative analysis. The results of this research conducted in this way are as follows. First, it was found that the disciplinary power of pro-baseball bean ball arguments and bench-clearing were formed through action control through unwritten rules and the standardized sanctions through bean ball arguments. Second, it was found that the disciplinary power of pro-baseball bean ball arguments and bench-clearing acted through bean ball sign as panopticism, bench clearing brawls as synopticism, and internalization of control through bean ball arguments and bench clearing brawls. Third, it was found that the disciplinary power was obeyed through pro-baseball bean ball arguments and bench-clearing and was resisted through subjectivation. As can be seen from the above-mentioned discussion, it was found that pro-baseball bean ball arguments and bench-clearing can be viewed as team unity but actually they acted as a disciplinary power. In other words, the players act in discipline under surveillance of coach, manager, and the other players before bean ball arguments and bench-clearing occur.
Key Words
bean ball, bench-clearing, disciplinary power
The Effects of Sports Participation Motive on Self-esteem, Self- expression and School Life Satisfaction in Elementary Students 방과 후 초등학생의 체육활동 참여 동기에 따른 자아존중감과 자기표현력이 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향
김순영SoonYoungKim , 곽재원JaeWonKwak
53(1) 105-116, 2014
The Effects of Sports Participation Motive on Self-esteem, Self- expression and School Life Satisfaction in Elementary Students 방과 후 초등학생의 체육활동 참여 동기에 따른 자아존중감과 자기표현력이 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향
김순영SoonYoungKim , 곽재원JaeWonKwak
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sports participation motive on self-esteem, self-expression and school life satisfaction in elementary students. The subjects of this study were sampled 368 elementary school students using convenience sampling method. Results were as follows; there were statistically significant differences on a positive of self-esteem, content of self-expression and teacher and peer relationship of school life satisfaction between voluntary and involuntary participations. According to voluntary participation motivation, the positive of self-esteem had significant effects on teacher and peer relationship of school life satisfaction and the negative of self-esteem had significant effects on rule, class and peer relationship of school life satisfaction. The content and verbal of self-expression had significant effects on peer relationship of school life satisfaction.
Key Words
Sports participation, Self-esteem, Self-expression, School Life satisfaction, Elementary students
The Influence of Leisure Awareness on Leisure Commitment and Sports Value among Secondary School Students Who Participate in After-School Activities 중학생 방과 후 활동 참여 인식이 여가몰입과 스포츠가치관에 미치는 영향
심윤기YoonGiSim , 오경록KyungRokOh
53(1) 117-130, 2014
The Influence of Leisure Awareness on Leisure Commitment and Sports Value among Secondary School Students Who Participate in After-School Activities 중학생 방과 후 활동 참여 인식이 여가몰입과 스포츠가치관에 미치는 영향
심윤기YoonGiSim , 오경록KyungRokOh
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of leisure awareness on leisure commitment and sports values among secondary school students who participate in after-school activities. The research has been initiated in April, 2012, by using a purposive sampling method and the questionnaire. 400 students who participate in after-school activities were selected from 8 secondary schools in Seoul and Gyung-gi province. Among the distributed 400 questionnaires, 366 answer-sheets were finalized to be used in the analysis after excluding inadequate and incomplete answer-sheets. The conclusions drawn from the research are as follows. First, there was a significant difference between those who participate in non-sports activities and sports activities in terms of leisure awareness, leisure commitment and sports value. Second, there was a significant difference between leisure awareness, leisure commitment and sports value among the after-school participants depending on their demographic and non-demographic differences; such as gender, age, and type of sports, duration, frequency etc. Third, it was found that there was a significant influence of leisure awareness of participants of after-school sports activity on leisure commitment; among those leisure awareness which had an influence on leisure commitment were retaining good health, self-expression, social interaction and family activities. Forth, it was found that there was a significant influence of leisure awareness of participants of after-school sports activity on sports value; among those leisure awareness which had an influence on sports value were retaining good health, self-expression, social interaction and family activities. Fifth, it was found that there was a significant influence of leisure commitment of participants of after-school sports activity on sports value.
Key Words
after-school activities, Leisure awareness, Leisure commitment, sports value, secondary school students
Obesity and Fitness and Their Relationships with Physical Self-concept, Intrinsic Motivation and Stress in Physical Education 비만과 체력에 따른 신체적 자기개념, 체육수업 내적동기 및 스트레스
임경빈KyoungBinLim , 김병준ByoungJunKim
53(1) 131-142, 2014
Obesity and Fitness and Their Relationships with Physical Self-concept, Intrinsic Motivation and Stress in Physical Education 비만과 체력에 따른 신체적 자기개념, 체육수업 내적동기 및 스트레스
임경빈KyoungBinLim , 김병준ByoungJunKim
The purpose of this study was to understand the relationships of obesity and fitness to physical self-concept, intrinsic motivation and stress in physical education among middle school students. A total of 171 middle school students were participated in the study. Using BMI and PAPS data, the students were grouped into four groups (Fat-Fit, Fat-Unfit, Normal-Fit, Normal-Unfit). The students` physical self-concept, intrinsic motivation and stress in physical education were assessed. Fat-Fit students showed higher level of physical self-concept, physical education intrinsic motivation and lower level of stress. Results of analyses showed students with higher fitness regardless of their obesity levels had positive psychological characteristics. Specifically, they reported greater physical self-concept, enjoyment and competnece in physical education and felt less stress during school physical education. The results demonstrated the relative importance of fitness among obese students. Future research directions were discussed.
The Impact of Judo Student Athletes` Perception of Coaches` Coaching Knowledge on Trust of Coach and Sport Commitment 유도 학생선수들의 지도자 코칭지식 지각이 지도자 신뢰 및 운동 몰입에 미치는 영향
남광우KwangWooNam , 조욱상OokSangCho
53(1) 143-154, 2014
The Impact of Judo Student Athletes` Perception of Coaches` Coaching Knowledge on Trust of Coach and Sport Commitment 유도 학생선수들의 지도자 코칭지식 지각이 지도자 신뢰 및 운동 몰입에 미치는 영향
남광우KwangWooNam , 조욱상OokSangCho
The purpose of this study was to empirically investigate the casual relationship among judo student athletes` perception of coaches` coaching knowledge, trust of coach and sport commitment. To achieve this goal, middle-high school judo athletes(n=312) registered in Korea Judo Association were chosen as the participants. For the measurement instruments of this study, 3 questionnaire were used, composed of Coaching Knowledge Questionnaire, Leader Trust Questionnaire, and Sport Commitment Questionnaire. The 306 collected data were used by PASW 18.0 version and AMOS 18.0 version. This study was conducted by frequency analysis for demographics and confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis for confirming construct validity and internal consistency. To analyze the relationship among factors, this study also utilized by Pearson product-moment correlation analysis. Lastly, in order to verify the hypothesis, this study employed structural equation model analysis. Through the causal relationship analyses among factors, the results are as following. Firstly, student athletes` perception of a coach`s coaching knowledge had a statistically positive effect on student athletes` trust of coach. Secondly, student athletes` perception of a coach`s coaching knowledge had a statistically positive effect on sport commitment. Lastly, trust of coach affected by coaching knowledge had a statistically positive effect on sport commitment.
Key Words
coaching knowledge, trust of coach, sport commitment
Effect of College Students` Physical Activity on Stress and Happiness : Focused on the Mediating Effect of Positive Psychological Capital 대학생의 신체활동이 스트레스와 행복에 미치는 영향 : 긍정심리자본의 매개효과를 중심으로
임태홍TaeHongLim , 이용수YoungSooLee
53(1) 155-166, 2014
Effect of College Students` Physical Activity on Stress and Happiness : Focused on the Mediating Effect of Positive Psychological Capital 대학생의 신체활동이 스트레스와 행복에 미치는 영향 : 긍정심리자본의 매개효과를 중심으로
임태홍TaeHongLim , 이용수YoungSooLee
The purpose of this study was to mediating effect of Positive Psychological Capital in the relationship among physical activity, stress, stress and happiness of college student. To attain this goal, the questionnaire research was conducted for a total 344 college students. Data were analyzed by correlation, simple-regression, multi-regression analysis using for SPSS 18.0. As a result, First, college students`s physical activity influence on positive psychological capital. Second, college students`s physical activity were not influence on positive psychological capital, there was not the mediating effect of positive psychological capital on physical activity and stress.
Key Words
Physical activity, Stress, Happiness, Positive Psychological Capital
The Influence of Empathic Ability on Resilience and Happiness of Life Sports Participants 생활체육 참가자의 공감능력이 회복탄력성과 행복에 미치는 영향
53(1) 167-180, 2014
The Influence of Empathic Ability on Resilience and Happiness of Life Sports Participants 생활체육 참가자의 공감능력이 회복탄력성과 행복에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of empathic ability on resilience and happiness of life sports participants. Through convenience sampling method, selected 290 survey questionnaires were used for final analysis from life sports participants. With the collected data, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis were performed by SPSS 15.0. The results of the analysis were summarized as follows. First, the participant period and participant time no significantly difference on empathic ability, but the participant frequency showed significantly difference on cognitive empathy. The participant time no significantly difference no resilience, but the participant time showed significantly difference on impulse control. And the participant frequency showed significantly difference on emotion control, empathy, and optimism. Moreover, the participant degree no significantly difference on happiness. Second, the cognitive empathy and emotional empathy impacts positively(+) influence on emotion control, cause analytical skills, relationship, optimism, and gratitude, and the cognitive empathy impacts positively(+) influence on communication ability, empathy, and life satisfaction. And the emotional empathy impacts positively(+) influence on impulse control. Moreover, the emotional empathy impacts positively(+) influence on happiness. Third, the impulse control, cause analytical skills, relationship, and life satisfaction impacts positively(+), but empathy negatively(-) influence on happiness. Fourth, the resilience was revealed to function as a mediator on the relationship between empathic ability and happiness.
Key Words
empathic ability, resilience, happiness, Life sports participants
A Study on the Wandering, Worries and Real Temptation of Elementary School Teachers over Physical Education Classes 체육수업에 대한 초등학교 교사의 방황과 고민, 그리고 현실적 유혹에 관한 연구
53(1) 181-198, 2014
A Study on the Wandering, Worries and Real Temptation of Elementary School Teachers over Physical Education Classes 체육수업에 대한 초등학교 교사의 방황과 고민, 그리고 현실적 유혹에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to investigate the wandering, worries, and real temptations experienced by elementary school teachers during physical education classes and look into how they could respond, coordinate, and overcome them. For those purposes, the study applied a qualitative case study method to four elementary school teachers in Seoul(two male teachers, two female teachers). The findings were as follows: first, elementary school teachers went through wandering and worries over where to give physical education lessons(place), what to do during physical education classes(what), and how to participate students in physical education classes(participation). Secondly, as for their real temptations regarding physical education lessons, they were turning to omitted, alternative, and combined lessons due to lessons with no visible results, limitations of their abilities, cumbersome preparations for lessons, and preference for more comfortable lessons for them. Finally, elementary school teachers responded to and coordinated physical education lessons with compromise plans and reorganization to overcome their wandering, worries, and real temptations over physical education lessons.
Key Words
wandering, worries, real temptations, elementary school teachers
The Relationships among Physical Education Teacher-Trust, Academic Self-Efficacy and Education Attitude of Teacher`s Teaching on Sports Clubs Participation in Middle School Students 체육교사가 지도하는 학교스포츠클럽 참가 중학생들의 체육교사신뢰와 학업적 자기효능감 및 교과태도의 관계
53(1) 199-208, 2014
The Relationships among Physical Education Teacher-Trust, Academic Self-Efficacy and Education Attitude of Teacher`s Teaching on Sports Clubs Participation in Middle School Students 체육교사가 지도하는 학교스포츠클럽 참가 중학생들의 체육교사신뢰와 학업적 자기효능감 및 교과태도의 관계
The purpose of this study was to identify the casual relationships among physical education teacher-trust, academic self-efficacy and education attitude of teacher`s teaching on sports clubs participation in middle school students. To accomplish this purpose, the sample consists of 395 middle school students in Seoul who was chosen randomly using the cluster sampling. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire for a physical education teacher-trust identified by Park & Park(2009) and for academic self-efficacy identified by Jo & Jung(2011) and for education attitude identified by Kim & Yang(2008). Gathered data were put to multiple regression analysis with the SPSS Ver 18.0 statistics program. The analysis results were as follows: The first, the physical education teacher-trust for middle school students had academic self-efficacy and education attitude. The second, academic self-efficacy had statistically positive effect on education attitude. Also, academic self-efficacy showed moderated effect partially between physical education teacher-trust and education attitude.
Key Words
physical education teacher-trust, academic self-efficacy, education attitude, middle school students
Narrative Inquiry on Lives of Dual-Licensed Elementary School Physical Education Teachers over 10years 중초교사 10년 삶에 대한 내러티브 탐구
김지헌JiHunKim , 김승재SeungJaeKim , 박인서InSeoPark
53(1) 209-222, 2014
Narrative Inquiry on Lives of Dual-Licensed Elementary School Physical Education Teachers over 10years 중초교사 10년 삶에 대한 내러티브 탐구
김지헌JiHunKim , 김승재SeungJaeKim , 박인서InSeoPark
This study is a narrative inquiry on dual-licensed elementary school teachers, who graduated from physical education college for secondary schools, based on the narratives about their life in the past, present, and future. Most of the field texts used for this study were collected through the in-depth interviews with the teachers, amounting to 280 pages of A4 sized texts. In order to reconstruct the field texts to the research texts, Connelly & Clandinin`s methods and procedures of narrative inquiry were used. The narratives of the teachers consist of three main parts as follows: Entrance Period, Settlement Period, and Growth Period. During the Entrance Period, the teachers enjoyed the happiness of becoming a regular teacher and having job stability, but at the same time they had to endure being labelled double-licensed teachers and struggle to overcome it by making more efforts, having stronger passion or unyielding sprit, and sometimes accepting it. During the Settlement Period, the teachers remarked that they successfully adapted themselves to the elementary school teaching profession thanks to the recognition of their roles as a homeroom teacher, and an expert in physical education, the affection for their students, and coworkers who helped them as their mentors. During the Growth Period, the teachers solidified their positions in the elementary school teaching profession by studying at graduate schools, developing their abilities in other differentiated fields, and moreover planning to gain promotion in the future. But there are some teachers mentioned that they still longed for the teaching at secondary schools.
Key Words
Dual-Licensed Elementary School Physical Education Teachers, Life, narrative inquiry
Effect of Early Morning Sport club Physical Activity on Academic Achievement and Learning Attiitude, Physical Self-Concept of Elementary School Students 영교시 스포츠클럽활동이 초등학생들의 학업성적, 학습태도, 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 영향
Effect of Early Morning Sport club Physical Activity on Academic Achievement and Learning Attiitude, Physical Self-Concept of Elementary School Students 영교시 스포츠클럽활동이 초등학생들의 학업성적, 학습태도, 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 영향
This study began with asking, "Is morning sport club physical activity an effective method to improve academic achievement and learningattitude, physical selfconcept?" The early morning sport club program was implemental prior to regular classes for 20 students of the experimental group for 5 months and 20 students of the control group were only taking regular classes in Y elementary school. The academic achievement of the students in the following five subjects: Korean, Math, Society, Science, English was tested. To assess learning -attitude, physical self-concept a questionnaire was used. The results of the study were as follows: First, the mean score of the academic achievement of the experimental group (85.7) was significantly higher than the control group (82.3) (p<.05). Second, the mean score of the learning attitude of the experimental group (4.3) was significantly higher than the control group (3.6) (p<.05). Third, the physical self-concept of the experimental group showed more significant improvement in muscular strength, body fat, outward appearance, physical satisfaction than control group. In conclusion, the early morning sport club activity programs were effective in increasing academic achievement and learning attitude, physical self-concept of elementary school students.
Key Words
early morning sport club, academic achievement, Learning attitude, physical self concept
Effects of Psychological Ownership on Job Involvement, Affective Organizational Commitment, Innovative Work Behavior in Private Sports Center Workers 사설 스포츠 센터 종사자의 심리적 주인의식이 직무몰입, 정서적 조직몰입 및 혁신적 업무행동에 미치는 영향
53(1) 235-248, 2014
Effects of Psychological Ownership on Job Involvement, Affective Organizational Commitment, Innovative Work Behavior in Private Sports Center Workers 사설 스포츠 센터 종사자의 심리적 주인의식이 직무몰입, 정서적 조직몰입 및 혁신적 업무행동에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of psychological ownership on job involvement, affective organizational commitment, and innovative work behavior in private sports center workers. The study conducted a research survey through purposive sampling method aimed in metropolitan private sports center workers. 300 questionnaires were distributed and 287 were selected as final valid sample by removing 13 questionnaires that have insufficient answers. Then data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis using the SPSS 18.0 and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling(SEM) using AMOS 18.0. The results of this study were as follows. First, Psychological ownership of private sports center workers had a positive impact on job involvement, affective organizational commitment, and innovative work behavior. Second, job involvement and affective organizational of private sports center workers had a positive impact on innovative work behavior.
Key Words
psychological ownership, job involvement, affective organizational commitment, innovative work behavior
The Structural Relationship among the Involvement, Attitude and Participation Motives on Cause-Related Marketing(CRM) of Sports Toto 스포츠 토토의 공익연계마케팅(Cause-Related Marketing)에 대한 참여자의 관여도와 태도 및 참여동기 간의 구조적 관계
박주호JuHoPark , 원도연DoYeonWon , 정지명JiMyungJung
53(1) 249-265, 2014
The Structural Relationship among the Involvement, Attitude and Participation Motives on Cause-Related Marketing(CRM) of Sports Toto 스포츠 토토의 공익연계마케팅(Cause-Related Marketing)에 대한 참여자의 관여도와 태도 및 참여동기 간의 구조적 관계
박주호JuHoPark , 원도연DoYeonWon , 정지명JiMyungJung
The study focused on relationship between Cause-Related Marketing(CRM) of Sports Toto and participation motives on moderating effects of participants involvement level. Recently, as lots of match-fixing scandals on Sports Toto was happened, it caused many social issues. One of social issues was having a distrust about professional sports and Sports Toto. Following these reasons, sales had decreased on Sports Toto and professional leagues. Many previous studies have showed positive aspects of which a CRM programs could influence consumers` beliefs and attitudes toward companies. However, previous studies about the relationship among a CRM, participation motives and involvement level are not enough. Accordingly, Sports Toto needs to be recognized about a CRM and relationship among a attitude on CRM, motives and involvement. The data were collected through questionnaires and the subjects were university students who were experienced playing sports toto. Out of the 230 questionnaires distributed, 213 were collected and finally analyzed as completes. The results of analysis are follows. Attitude on CRM mediates between Involvement and participation motives. Secondly, Attitude on CRM has a positive effect on participation motives. Third, Involvement of participants has a positive effect on participation motives. Fourth, Attitude on CRM mediates between Involvement and participation motives. Lastly, Involvement and attitude on CRM has different effect on participation motives, depending on perception.
Factors Attributed to Overcoming Constraints and Challenges for Instructors of Senior Lifestyle Exercise Classes 노인체육지도자가 체험하는 생활체조 수업 제약 및 극복요소에 관한 연구
이상희SangHeeLee , 원영신YoungShinWon , 배재윤JaeYoonBae
53(1) 267-280, 2014
Factors Attributed to Overcoming Constraints and Challenges for Instructors of Senior Lifestyle Exercise Classes 노인체육지도자가 체험하는 생활체조 수업 제약 및 극복요소에 관한 연구
이상희SangHeeLee , 원영신YoungShinWon , 배재윤JaeYoonBae
The purpose of this study was to determine the current challenges and constraints that affect instructors of senior lifestyles exercise classes and how instructors overcome them. In particular, it analyzed instructors that teach seniors in Seoul city and the surrounding Gyeonggi Province. An in-depth interview method was utilized to understand the experiences of nine instructors. This research found that First, it was difficult for instructors to establish relationships with the senior students that resided in assisted living facilities. Second, the limited training received by instructors made it difficult for them to coach seniors due to their lack of expertise in regards to senior anatomy. Third, the environments that are provided to the instructors to conduct classes are too harsh in terms of temperature, space, or other facilities. Fourth, there is a shortage of caregivers that are needed to help the seniors follow the instructor`s directions. Fifth, the varying ages of seniors makes it difficult to teach a class that is appropriate to each age. Finally, students and institution managers often make special requests for classes that lead to additional constraints. In the second half of this research, results found that there were four major reasons that motivated instructors to overcome the aforementioned constraints.
Key Words
Overcoming Constraints, Challenges, Instructors of Senior, Lifestyle Exercise Classes
Relation between Adolescents` Participation types in Sport Activity and Attitude toward School Life 청소년의 스포츠활동 참여형태와 학교생활태도의 관계
김기중KiJoongKim , 강남원NamWonNam , 노재귀JaeKuiNo
53(1) 281-288, 2014
Relation between Adolescents` Participation types in Sport Activity and Attitude toward School Life 청소년의 스포츠활동 참여형태와 학교생활태도의 관계
김기중KiJoongKim , 강남원NamWonNam , 노재귀JaeKuiNo
This study was conducted to clarify the between adolescents` participation in sport activities and attitude toward school life. The results obtained from the process are as follows: First, as for the correlation between participation type and attitude toward school life, the participation frequency showed a positive correlation between attitudes toward teachers and learning, the participation time between attitudes toward learning and rule and the participation type between attitudes toward classmates and learning. Second, the participation frequency had a positive effect on attitudes toward teachers. Third, the participation time had a positive effect on attitudes toward classmates. Fourth, the participation type had a positive impact on attitudes toward classmates and learning. Therefore, it can be said that adolescents` participation in sport activities has a positive effect on attitudes toward school life.
Key Words
Adolescents, Sport Activity, Participation types, School Life attitude toward
Relationship between Participation Motivation Interpersonal Relationship Orientation and Exercise Adherence of Participants in Sport for All 생활체육 참여자의 참여동기와 대인관계성향 및 운동지속의 관계
53(1) 289-297, 2014
Relationship between Participation Motivation Interpersonal Relationship Orientation and Exercise Adherence of Participants in Sport for All 생활체육 참여자의 참여동기와 대인관계성향 및 운동지속의 관계
This study was conducted to clarify the relationship between participation level, interpersonal relationship and exercise adherence of participants in sport for all. The results obtained from the process are as follows:
First, there was a positive correlation between the participation motivation and interpersonal relationship orientation in all sub variables. Second, there was a positive correlation between the participation motivation and exercise adherence in all sub variables. Third, the intellectual motivation had a positive effect on the role and social relationship orientation.
The social motivation had a positive impact on the social relationship orientation. The cognitive motivation had a positive effect on all sub variables of the interpersonal relationship orientation. Fourth, the intellectual and cognitive motivation had a positive influence on the orientation and reinforcement. The social motivation had a positive impact on the possibility.
Key Words
Sport for All, Participation motivation orientation, Interpersonal relationship, Exercise adherence
A Study on Performance and Development Plan of the World Koreans Festival Project 세계한민족축전 사업의 수행성과와 발전 방안 연구
황의룡EuiRyongHwang , 임세준SeiJunLim
53(1) 299-308, 2014
A Study on Performance and Development Plan of the World Koreans Festival Project 세계한민족축전 사업의 수행성과와 발전 방안 연구
황의룡EuiRyongHwang , 임세준SeiJunLim
This research examines the historical background, performance and its drawback of the World Koreans Festival, held by Korea Council of Sport for All since 1989. Projects of general sports-related exchange and cooperation with overseas Koreans must be promoted with continuous support. In order to solve the problem of dominant participation only from high age group, it also requires to carry out Korea Sports for All Festival targeted on young people. For this, an excellent participant contest and a photo exhibition should be held, and plans must be promoted to link the PR memoirs to photo exhibition, while offering opportunities of participating in World Koreans Festival by priority to the awarded pieces in order to attract interests from overseas Koreans. In addition, "World Koreans Sports Festival" should be held, in which overseas Koreans from all nations become the principal participant. Through a tight management of this festival, we should establish a general sports network among Koreans over the world and carry out a policy of exchange and cooperation with the international society.
Key Words
World Koreans Festival, performance, general sports/sports for all, overseas Koreans, network
The Relationship Among Participation Motivation, Life Satisfaction, and Continuous Participation Intention of Triathlon Enthusiasts 트라이애슬론 동호인의 참여동기, 생활만족도, 지속적 참여의도의 영향 관계
전병은ByungEunJeon , 이상윤SangYoonSang , 김지영JiYoungKim
53(1) 309-320, 2014
The Relationship Among Participation Motivation, Life Satisfaction, and Continuous Participation Intention of Triathlon Enthusiasts 트라이애슬론 동호인의 참여동기, 생활만족도, 지속적 참여의도의 영향 관계
전병은ByungEunJeon , 이상윤SangYoonSang , 김지영JiYoungKim
The goal of this research is to analyze and identify the motivation of participation, lifestyle satisfaction and continued participation rate of the group members partaking in triathlon. To attain the goal, the researcher conducted a survey to 323 people triathlon enthusiasts participating in ITU Tongyoung triathlon worldcup from 2012. The proper questions went through coding, and by using SPSS PC+ 18.0, they were analyzed through frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis, and correlation and multi-regression analysis. The results were as followed: first of all, according to the result on the effects of triathlon enthusiasts participation motivation on their life satisfaction, among the participation motivation factors, social-orientation, leisure and self-development factors affected social life satisfaction, and psychological life satisfaction was affected by Unmotivated, self-development and health-orientation. And only the self-development factor influenced physiological life satisfaction. Second, according to the result on the relations between triathlon enthusiasts participation motivation and continuous participation, among the participation motivation, self-development and health-orientation affected continuous participation. Third, signification influence existed in the relationship of lifestyle satisfaction by continuous participation in psychological satisfaction and Physical satisfaction.
Key Words
triathlon enthusiasts, participation motivation, Life satisfaction, continuous participation
The Relationship between Leisure Function and Leisure Flow of Camping Participants 캠핑참여자의 여가기능과 여가몰입의 관계
전형상HyeongSangJeon , 김형훈HyungHoonKim
53(1) 321-330, 2014
The Relationship between Leisure Function and Leisure Flow of Camping Participants 캠핑참여자의 여가기능과 여가몰입의 관계
전형상HyeongSangJeon , 김형훈HyungHoonKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between leisure function and leisure flow of camping participants. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, adults group, both male and female, who are participating in camping were selected as research group and then, total 300 camping participants` data were collected in Seoul and Gyeonggi area by using convenience sampling method. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS 21.0 and factor analysis was conducted for both validity and reliability. The questionnaire were able to have its validation and the questionnaire`s reliability were acceptable level. The foundlings from factor analysis as follows. First, the relations between leisure function and goals of leisure flow showed that there are significant effect on desire, fascinated, confidence and ability of regulation. Second, the leisure participants` confidence, ability of regulation of leisure function showed significant effect on control and challenge skill of leisure flow. Third the leisure participants` desire and confidence of leisure function showed significant effect on unconsciousness and time changes of leisure flow. At last, leisure participants` ability of regulation showed significant effect on experience of leisure flow.
Key Words
Leisure function, Leisure flow, camping
Exploration of The Cultural Process through K-pop Dance Leisure Activity of Foreign Students K-pop댄스 여가활동을 통한 유학생들의 문화적응
이지연JiYeonLee , 윤용진YongJinYoon , 김형훈HyungHoonKim
53(1) 331-342, 2014
Exploration of The Cultural Process through K-pop Dance Leisure Activity of Foreign Students K-pop댄스 여가활동을 통한 유학생들의 문화적응
이지연JiYeonLee , 윤용진YongJinYoon , 김형훈HyungHoonKim
The purpose of this study is to analyze the structure of acculturation of foreign students in Korea through K-pop dance leisure program participation. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, a research was conducted regards to the concept and phenomena concerning acculturation, and then the researcher observed foreign students`K-pop dance program activity on the site. For the data collection, in-depth interviews were executed with the foreign students. And then, described their experience on fact based and grounded theory analysis was conducted for data analysis. The findings were as follows. First, Final 288 key words were extracted as a findings through the analyzing process. The findings were separated as 7 main categories and 17 sub categories. Second, for the foreign students paradigm of acculturation through K-pop dance leisure activity were shown as < figure 2 > Main phenomenon showed four categories which are Korea culture, Education, Relationship and Satisfaction. Third, foreign students were building relationship through the process of sharing and delivering information with K-pop dance leisure activity participants and release stress from acculturation. At the same time, K-pop leisure activity used as a tool to keep them healthy.
Key Words
K-pop dance, Leisure activity, foreign student, grounded theory
Dance Students` Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Experience: The Mediating Roles of Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression 무용전공 학생의 정서지능과 정서경험: 인지적 재평가와 표현억제 전략의 매개효과
53(1) 343-355, 2014
Dance Students` Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Experience: The Mediating Roles of Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive Suppression 무용전공 학생의 정서지능과 정서경험: 인지적 재평가와 표현억제 전략의 매개효과
This study examined not only the mediating effects of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression as emotion regulation strategies in the relationships between emotional intelligence and emotional experience in the dance class setting, but also tested the cross-validity of the hypothesized model across groups. The participants were 468 high school dance students (36 males, 432 females). Data were analyzed using a structural equation modeling and multi-group analysis. Results of structural equation modeling showed that both cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression partially mediated the relationshipbetween emotional intelligence and positive emotions, whereas students` emotional intelligence indirectly influenced on negative emotions via cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression. The results of multi-group analysis indicated that structural weights, structural covariances, and structural residuals were invariant across groups. These findings suggest that facilitating the abilities of appraising and managing one`s own and others` emotions and fostering an efficient emotion regulation strategy are very crucial in order that students can experience pleasant emotions in dance classes.
The Olympic Games is the world`s largest and most complex sporting event to host and manage. Olympic is the essence of humanities and the whole of cultural codes putting together politics, economics, history, philosophy, and arts. The concept of legacy of Olympic Games is expressed clearly in bid books of candidate host cities. Bid books include details about the suitability of the city to host the Olympic Games with regard to venues, marketing, sports, finances, human and community resources, as well as the legacy that the event will leave with the city or region. It was identified that legacy is a multidimensional phenomenon with tangible and intangible components as well as opportunity costs. Creating and managing a legacy plan for a host city is important because it allows the stake-holders to implement and evaluate the legacy programs created by the hosting of mega-sport events, such as the Olympic Games. Strategies for post-Olympic plans were approached three aspects : strategies for overcoming the limitation, applying the conservative model, and sustainable development. And also post-Olympic plans for legacy succession and facilities utilization were suggested as follow: establishment of systematic and comprehensive post-Olympic plans, building of citizens oriented culture and sport complex preparing public interests and profitability, and establishment of legacy management foundation after 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.
Key Words
2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, Olympic Legacy, post-Olympic plan
Effects of Muscle Power Exercise on Gait, Balance and Muscle Activity in Stroke Patients 근파워 운동이 뇌졸중 환자의 보행과 균형능력 및 근활성도에 미치는 영향
권정현JungHyunKwon , 송상협SangHyupSong , 이호성HoSeongLee
53(1) 373-384, 2014
Effects of Muscle Power Exercise on Gait, Balance and Muscle Activity in Stroke Patients 근파워 운동이 뇌졸중 환자의 보행과 균형능력 및 근활성도에 미치는 영향
권정현JungHyunKwon , 송상협SangHyupSong , 이호성HoSeongLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 8-weeks of muscle power exercises on gate, balance ability, and muscle activation in stroke patients. Nineteen stroke patients were randomly divided into the power exercise group (3 male, 4 female), the strength exercise group (3 male, 3 female), and the control group (3 male, 4 female). Resistance exercises including hip flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, and knee flexion and extension were performed with 3 sets of 10-12 reps, 4 days/week for 8 weeks. Walking, balance ability, and muscle activation were measured before and after exercises. Power exercises (concentric contraction VS. eccentric contraction = 2:1) and strength exercises (concentric contraction VS. eccentric contraction = 1:1) were also performed in each group. The performance of sitting on and standing from a chair, 2.44 m shuttle walking, 6 m and 10 m walking were significantly increased in the PEG (p<.01) and SEG (p<.05) after exercises. The performances of 3 m backwards and complex obstacle course while walking were significantly increased in the PEG (p<.05) after exercises. The balance ability score was significantly increased in the PEG (p<.01) and SEG (p<.05) after exercise. Muscle activation were also significantly increased in the PEG and SEG (p<.01) after exercises. These results may indicate a greater likelihood that power exercises effectively improve walking and balance ability, and muscle activation in stroke patients compared to resistance exercises.
Key Words
Stroke, Resistance exercise, Power exercise, concentric contraction, eccentric contraction
The Development and Effects of Exercise Program for Prevention of Scoliosis among Elementary School Children 아동의 척추측만예방을 위한 교정체조 개발 및 효과
The Purpose of this study was investigate the development and effect of exercise program for the prevention of scoliosis among the elementary school children. This study was examined by literature review and by meeting with experts for development of exercise motions. For the effect of developed exercise motions, we analyzed physical effects between treatment group(n=13) who participated the program which included developed 15 motions twice a week for 8 weeks and control group(n=15). We compared physique, physical fitness and cobb`s angle by groups and times. In result of physique, height, weight and BMI had significant interaction effect with time and group(p<.05). The sitting height showed significant increasing in both groups(p<.05). However %fat had no significant effect on group and time. The other hand in the physical fitness grip-strength, back-strength, sit and reach, balance of treatment group improved significantly with compared to before result(p<.05) and all of physique except grip-strength showed the significant interaction effect with time and group(p<.05). In the result of cobb`s angle, there were significant interaction between time and group(p<.05). Expecially treatment group had significant decreasing with compared to before cobb`s angle(p<.05), however control group showed increasing result in cobb`s angle compared before angle. These results indicated that the posture exercise program might improve strength, flexibility and balance and might be more suitable to prevent scoliosis of elementary children with risk factor of scoliosis.
Key Words
scoliosis, posture exercise program, cobb`s angle
Effects of 8 Weeks Outdoor Exercise Equipment on Aging hormone and immune function in Elderly 야외운동기구를 이용한 8주간의 복합운동이 노인들의 노화호르몬 및 면역기능에 미치는 영향
양상훈SangHoonYang , 박희석HeeSukPark
53(1) 397-408, 2014
Effects of 8 Weeks Outdoor Exercise Equipment on Aging hormone and immune function in Elderly 야외운동기구를 이용한 8주간의 복합운동이 노인들의 노화호르몬 및 면역기능에 미치는 영향
양상훈SangHoonYang , 박희석HeeSukPark
This study is for observing the influence of 16 female senior citizens who are over 65 years old with exercise using outdoor exercise facilities for 8 weeks on their senescence hormone and immune function. There was meaningful increase(p<.05) on DHEA-S, senescence hormone after exercise. There was slight decrease in melatonin after exercise with no meaningful difference. There was meaningful increase(p<.05) on growth hormone after exercise. There was an increase in neutrophil , lymphocyte, monocyte after exercise with no meaningful difference in case of immune function, white blood cell subset. There was decrease in immunoglobulin, IgA after exercise with no meaningful difference. There was meaningful increase(p<.05) in IgG after exercise. There was an increase in IgM after exercise with no meaningful difference. In conclusion, if senior citizens continuously improve their efficiency of exercise using outdoor exercise facilities, they can get the benefit of improving immunity and delaying the aging process with more hormone secretion related with aging so that they can improve their level of healthy life in the old age.
Associations between Physical Activity Levels and Health-related Quality of Life in the Aged Living Alone 독거노인의 신체활동 수준과 건강관련 삶의 질과의 연관성
53(1) 409-417, 2014
Associations between Physical Activity Levels and Health-related Quality of Life in the Aged Living Alone 독거노인의 신체활동 수준과 건강관련 삶의 질과의 연관성
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between physical activity and health-related quality of life in 575 elderly living alone(112 males, 463 females) using the data from the 5th Korean National Health and Nutrition Survey. The study results show that 11.8%, 15.5%, and 55.5% of males and 7.5%, 8.0%, and 35.4% of females showed in the participation rate of high, moderate, and low physical activity. Regarding the health-related quality of life, the range from .001 to .500 and .751 to 1.000 were 4.5% and 93.8% of males and 8.1% and 66.2% of females. In addition, high physical activity with management for myself in males showd significant correlation(r=.079), whereas significant correlation not founded in females. On the other hand, moderate physical activity with excercise ability(r=.208), pain/discomfortable condition(r=-.080), and EQ-5D index(r=.141) in males and with living activity(r=.179), anxiety/depressed condition(r=.221), EQ-5D index(r=.168) in females had significant correlations. Furthermore, all health-related quality of life variables were significantly affected by low physical activity excluding pain/discomfortable condition in males. To improve the health-related quality of life in Korean elders who living alone, these results show that environmental and social plan should be provided and walking as a moderate physical activity for females and low, and moderate physical activity(swimming, volleyball, doubles tennis etc.) for males are recommended.
Key Words
Physical Activity, Health-related Quality of Life, Elderly Living Alone, KNHANES
Prediction of VO2max Using Metabolic Variables during Sub-Maximal Exercise for Men and Women 최대하 운동시 대사변인을 이용한 남녀의 VO2max 추정
임재형JaeHyengIm , 전유정YooJoungJeon
53(1) 419-429, 2014
Prediction of VO2max Using Metabolic Variables during Sub-Maximal Exercise for Men and Women 최대하 운동시 대사변인을 이용한 남녀의 VO2max 추정
임재형JaeHyengIm , 전유정YooJoungJeon
The purpose of this study is to develop and validate statistical models for predicting maximal oxygen uptake( VO2max) using body index and sub-maximal metabolic variables. The subjects consisted of 887 people aged from 18 to 67. They went through maximal exercise testing with Bruce protocol, and we measured the metabolic responses in the end of the first(3 minute) and second(6 minute) stages. To predict VO2max, we applied multiple regression analysis with the stepwise method to the entire samples of men and women, respectively. The prediction variables for the selected four models are age, weight, resting HR, 3 minute V O2, 3 minute VCO2, 3 minute VE, 6 minute VO2, 6 minute V CO2, and 3 minute HR. The result showed that R is .76~.77, SEE 4.39~4.43, and SEE% 11.1~11.2 for men and R .84, SEE 2.61~2.63, and SEE% 8.3~8.4 for women. All the prediction variables in each model did not show multi-colinearity. Based on the predicted residual sum of squares procedure, all the models showed high level of cross-validity confirmed by the small shrinkage of R and the increment of SEE. The prediction models for men showed low constant errors for the subgroups of age less than 35, V O2max 35~50, and 6 minute VO2(CE=-.48~.41, p>.05) and the prediction models for women showed low constant errors for the subgroups of age and 6 minute VO2(CE=-.39~.19, p>.05), which indicates large reliability and low systematic error of the prediction models. Therefore, predicting VO2max using body index and submaximal metabolic variables has high accuracy and will be useful in fields.
Key Words
prediction of VO2max, multiple regression analysis, cross-validation.
The Effect of Difference of Ground Slope on the Swing Plane and X-factor Motion during the Golf Swing 지면 경사 조건이 골프 스윙 시 스윙 평면과 X-factor 운동에 미치는 영향
최인애InAeChoi , 김은주EunJuKim , 권문석MoonSeokKwon
53(1) 431-440, 2014
The Effect of Difference of Ground Slope on the Swing Plane and X-factor Motion during the Golf Swing 지면 경사 조건이 골프 스윙 시 스윙 평면과 X-factor 운동에 미치는 영향
최인애InAeChoi , 김은주EunJuKim , 권문석MoonSeokKwon
The purpose of this study was to investigate golf swing analysis among the ground slope(flat, 10°) changes depending on the golf swing mechanism, such as the factors that swing plane, swing flatness, rotation motion of trunk(X-factor). During the address position in a swing, impact section`s max and average flatness rates were lower on a slope compared to a flat surface. But from impact to the follow-through the rates appeared to be similar. The swing plane angle achieved higher degree on a slope. The X-factor`s angle during the back swing was proven to be smaller on a slope. Therefore, the ground slope mainly affected the swing plane angle and X-factor to control the direction of ball during the swing.
Effects of Arm Position on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk Factors in Single-Limb Drop Landing 팔의 위치가 한 발 드롭 착지 시 전방십자인대 부상위험 요인에 미치는 영향
양창수ChangSooYang , 임비오BeeOhLim
53(1) 441-449, 2014
Effects of Arm Position on Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk Factors in Single-Limb Drop Landing 팔의 위치가 한 발 드롭 착지 시 전방십자인대 부상위험 요인에 미치는 영향
양창수ChangSooYang , 임비오BeeOhLim
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of arm position on anterior cruciate ligament injury risk factors in single-limb drop landing in female basketball players. Eleven female basketball players were recruited and performed randomly single-limb drop-landing in height of her`s knee without ball, with ball by two hands, with ball same side foot and arm and with ball different side foot and arm. Kinematics, ground reaction force and electromyography data were collected to estimate the anterior cruciate ligament injuries risk factors. Data were analyzed with one-way repeated measured for ANOVA. Female basketball players with ball same side foot and arm and with ball different side foot and arm showed more increased knee maximum flexion angle, thigh maximum adduction angle, shank maximum abduction angle, knee maximum extension moment, knee maximum abduction moment and quadriceps-hamstring muscle activity ratio than without ball. In conclusion, female basketball players with ball same side foot and arm and with ball different side foot and arm increased knee stress and anterior cruciate ligament injuries risk factors.
Key Words
arm position, anterior cruciate Ligament, injury risk factors, Landing
The Biomechanical Comparisons between the Static Sitting and Standing Postures Using Virtual Time to contact to the Boundary Estimation and Rambling and Trembling Decomposition Methods 가상접촉시간기법과 Rambling and Trembling 분해법을 이용한 앉은 자세와 선 자세의 운동역학적 비교
신성훈SungHoonShin , 장대근DaeGeunJang
53(1) 451-461, 2014
The Biomechanical Comparisons between the Static Sitting and Standing Postures Using Virtual Time to contact to the Boundary Estimation and Rambling and Trembling Decomposition Methods 가상접촉시간기법과 Rambling and Trembling 분해법을 이용한 앉은 자세와 선 자세의 운동역학적 비교
신성훈SungHoonShin , 장대근DaeGeunJang
The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between sitting and standing postural dynamics using virtual time to contact to the functional boundary estimation, and rambling and trembling decomposition methods. Total 28 adults (17 male and 11 female young adults) participated in this study. They conducted a functional boundary task in which participants leaned forward, backward, side to side, and diagonally by pivoting 1) their whole body at ankle joint and 2) their upper body at the hip joint in order to trace a circle without losing boundary.
Virtual time to contact to the functional boundary was calculated to examine the postural dynamics. Additionally, trembling to the rambling ratios were examined to test whether two postures: sitting and standing differently depend on supraspinal or spinal reflex components. Results demonstrated that standing had shorter VTC with more directional changes and depended on superspinal component more than muscular reflex or muscle stiffness. Also standing is affected by vision input more. Results implied that sitting and standing use different postural strategy.
Key Words
Postural control, Functional boundary, Virtual time to contact, Rambling and trembling decomposition, Center of pressure
Comparative Analysis of Determinant Factor of Yeo2 Motion in Vault 체조 도마 종목 Yeo 2 동작의 결정요인 비교 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the technical factors of Yeo2 motion though video analysis and evaluate the its possibility as a new technology. The subject in this study was 3 male gymnastic players of the national team who can perform Yeo2 motion. As a result, the conclusions were as follow; In the time spent for each phase, KSM should reduce the pre-flight phase time. YHS and KHH should shorten the horse contact time. In the horizontal shift of center of mass(CM), KHH translated to the anterior side slightly but KSM showed a posture that the CM translated to the forward a lot. YHS showed the ideal posture by shortening the anterior movement at the pre-flight phase. During the board landing, KHH took the low posture. In the horizontal velocity of CM, KHH was slow and KSM didn`t convert horizontal movement to vertical. In case of horse contact and take off, the players should keep the hip and knee angle. Also, in the vault take-off, they have to take the body motion at the vertical state. It is recommended that the body rotation angle and twist angle should keep large angle in the pre-flight phase and rotation in the air. Moreover when the angles reached the peak, they should take the vertical motion. Finally, they should increase the body rotation angular velocity at the pre-flight and post-flight phase, control the speed in the board and horse contact period, and increase the body twist angular velocity to the peak value.
Key Words
Gymnastic, Yeo2, Center of Mass
The Effects of Muscle Strength, Balance and Gait Training on Lower Limb Muscle Activities in Mental Retarded and Hearing-Impaired People. 지적,청각장애인의 12주간의 근력, 평형성, 보행훈련이 하지 근활성도에 미치는 영향
백진호JinHoBack , 이주성JuSungLee , 이용식YongSikLee
53(1) 475-483, 2014
The Effects of Muscle Strength, Balance and Gait Training on Lower Limb Muscle Activities in Mental Retarded and Hearing-Impaired People. 지적,청각장애인의 12주간의 근력, 평형성, 보행훈련이 하지 근활성도에 미치는 영향
백진호JinHoBack , 이주성JuSungLee , 이용식YongSikLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Muscle Strength, Balance and Gait Training on Lower Limb Muscle Activities, in Mentally handicapped and Hearing-Impaired People.
The subjects of this study consisted of 2 participants mentally handicapped and 1 Hearing.Impaired participants who participated in the Muscle Strength, Balance and Gait Training on Gait Pattern for 12 weeks, 3 times a week.
To achieve the purpose of the research of Lower muscle activities were measured using treadmill, video recording equipment, EMG analysis equipments as experimental tools and analytical equipment.
In terms of the the activity variables in lower limb muscles, EMG were attached on Left.Right rectus femoris, vastus lateral, gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior and examined. According to the result obtained muscles activity in the 2 subjects decreased after the training than before except 1 Down syndrome subject. Thus, decrease in muscle activity in 2 subjects can be considered as a result of lack in concentration and commitment during the muscle training program.
Key Words
Muscle Activity, Muscle Strength, Balance and Gait Training, Mentally handicapped and Hearing-Impaired People
Inductive Content Analysis on Participation Motivation of Table Tennis Players with Disability 장애인 탁구선수들의 탁구참여동기에 대한 귀납적 내용분석
백혜경HyeKyungBeak , 양명환MyungHwanYang
53(1) 485-498, 2014
Inductive Content Analysis on Participation Motivation of Table Tennis Players with Disability 장애인 탁구선수들의 탁구참여동기에 대한 귀납적 내용분석
백혜경HyeKyungBeak , 양명환MyungHwanYang
Using inductive content analysis approach, this study investigated the factors of participation motivation for table tennis players with disability. Participants were 164 physically disabled table tennis players who participated in 16th national table tennis tournament for disabled table tennis players on March, 2013. The participants answered an open-ended question asking them for their motives of table tennis participation, and contents on 9 informants obtained through unstructured in-depth interviews were analyzed. 323 raw data were drawn from verbatim transcriptions of free-response and were inductively content analyzed. The result of analysis showed that factors of participation motivation in disabled table tennis players are categorized as rehabilitation and health, social motivation, achievement and fun, mental health, and suitability. And suitability motivation identified as an originative reason in this study. The proposal based of the result should not only consider fun and personality of an individual but also think of leading their possibilities within possible range for improving sports participation of handicapped people. Besides positive encouragement and support of community can help to increase and continue about participation rate in sports.
Key Words
table tennis players with disability, participation motivation, health, achievement and fun, mental health, suitability
Comparative Study Regarding Physique and Motor Fitness in Japanese and South Korean Preschool Children -Analysis based on criterion simultaneously in boys- 한국과 일본 유아의 체격,운동능력 비교검토 -남아의 동일평가 기준에 의한 해석-
Comparative Study Regarding Physique and Motor Fitness in Japanese and South Korean Preschool Children -Analysis based on criterion simultaneously in boys- 한국과 일본 유아의 체격,운동능력 비교검토 -남아의 동일평가 기준에 의한 해석-
There are few comparative investigations of physique and motor fitness between children in Japan and South Korea. In the present study, physique and motor fitness were simultaneously measured in Japanese and Korean preschool boys, and motor fitness in boys with different levels of body fatness, determined based on regression polynomial of weight against height, was compared between the two countries. The subjects were 93 five-years-old boys in kindergartens in Aichi Prefecture, and 103 five-years-old boys in a kindergarten in a suburb of Seoul. Regression polynomials of weight against height were made, the degree that was valid for these polynomials was determined, and regression polynomial evaluation charts were constructed in both countries. The frequency distribution derived from body fatness determination was obtained, and the x2 test was applied to their distributions in both counties. As a result, it was shown that there were significantly more boys of the fat type in Korean boys than in Japanese boys. ANOVA revealed no significant differences in motor fitness between slim, normal and fat types in either country. The t-test between motor fitness in Japanese and Korean boys of the slim and normal types showed significant differences in chinning, sidestep, and jump over and crawl, and in jump over and crawl for the fat type. Accordingly, the results show that Korean boys have a lower level of motor fitness than Japanese boys.
Key Words
Standard weight, Body composition, Fatty-slim judgment, Regression polynomial